

REST AND RENEW - Sunday retreat - 6 weekly

Sunday April28th, 2024

3-5.15pm, Chichester

Contemplative, soothing and nourishing practices to rest and restore the body, mind and heart. Earth bound restorative (use of props) and yin poses (long held floor poses) will be mingled alongside meditation and a healthy time spent in yoga nidra (deep systemic relaxation). These practices offer essential training in how we can elicit relaxation and calm within - helping the nervous system re-build immune and emotional resiliency. Allow your body and mind the time to re-set and return to it’s natural state of health and wholeness.




- date TBC

review: “Most people will never experience 1% of the relaxation which Ann’s deeply balancing and restorative day brought. It was a level of internal stillness and peace that I will treasure and keep with me forever.” Llucy

A  retreat day is for anyone who inspires to a healthier way of living. All levels welcome - men and ladies.

This day is about experiencing balance - body, heart and mind.

AM practice - Mindful classical poses emphasising alignment, back care and core connection to promote strength and stability. Our morning session will end with a sound meditation

PM practice - restoring, soothing, nourishing. Earth-based restorative and yin poses will be practiced with an emphasis on meditative mind states throughout. Session will include the teachings of ‘Metta’ (loving-kindness) and end with a yoga nidra (yogic sleep) practice.

Our venue is bright, quiet, warm and green!